When you have been making cards or scrapbooking for a while you may notice that your work has taken on a particular look or style. We each have our own style, mine as you will notice from my posts is quite simple. Dawn, one of the ladies in our social stamp and scrap group loves Bling and often adds lots of it to her cards. This card has been done by Helen in the style that we have come to know as a 'Dawn card'. I think it's a lovely card so thought you might all like to see it. Dawn uses double sided tape around the edge of the card and then sprinkles the glitter onto the tape, pressing down lightly to make sure it is attached. The stamp is from the Pretty Princess set form the 2008/09 catalogue.
Remember when it comes to papercrafting, there are no rules and even if you find yourself settling into a particular style, mix it up occasionally. If I see a card or scrap page that I really like I try to work out what it is about it that attracts me and then have a go at recreating something similar. Thanks to Helen Sucher for submitting this card to put on the blog.